Areas of Research expertise
Cyber Criminology,
Cyber Victimology, Therapeutic Criminology, Theological Criminology, Theoretical Criminology,
Political Victimology, Crime Mapping, Geographic
Information Systems (GIS), Victimology, Communal Violence & Terrorism,
Crime Prevention & Policing.

My current h-index as per Google Scholar Citation is 24.
Research Grants
2017 - 2018 Trained Criminologists (Consultancy Project with Ahmedabad City
Program Director
Funded by: Ahmedabad
City Police, Gujarat, India
Title of the Project: “Consultancy Project on Trained Criminologists:
Academia-Police Partnership”
Patterns of Body
Offences in Ahmedabad City - Dr. Amit Thakre, Trained Criminologist,
Department of Criminology, Raksha Shakti University
Patterns of
Offending Behaviour Amongst Young Offenders in Ahmedabad City - Mr. Anshul
Shah, Trained Criminologist, Department of Criminology, Raksha Shakti University
Patterns of Women in Ahmedabad City - Ms. Rashmi Choudhury, Trained
Criminologist, Department of Criminology, Raksha Shakti University.
2012 - 2016 UGC Major Research Project (From July 2012 - June 2014)
Principal Investigator (PI)
Funded by: University Grants Commission, (UGC), India.
Title of the Project: “Interpersonal Cyber Crime Victimization: A Survey in
Eight Indian Cities.”
2009 - 2010
Commonwealth Academic Fellowship
Funded by: Association of Commonwealth Universities, British Council, and
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.
Title of the Project: “Victims of Cyber Crimes - A study on developing
Profile, Legal Reviews and Policy Guidelines.
Commonwealth Fellowship held at Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, School of
Law, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.
Report Submitted to the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.
SSHRC International
Opportunities Fund
Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada
Amount of Grant: 143,471 Canadian Dollars ($CAD15,080 for India)
Cyber-bullying: A project to address the policy
vacuum and develop international guidelines for schools
Principal Investigator: Dr. Shaheen Shariff, McGill University, Canada.
K. Jaishankar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,
Colin Lankshear, James Cook, and
Dawn Zinga.
Report Submitted to McGill University.
June 2019
United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism Travel & Accommodation Grant
Closed Experts Group Meeting (EGM), Singapore City, Singapore
March 2019
United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism Travel & Accommodation Grant
Closed Experts Group Meeting (EGM), Seoul, South Korea
February 2019
United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism Travel & Accommodation Grant
Closed Experts Group Meeting (EGM), Bangkok, Thailand
November 2017
Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore)Travel & Accommodation Grant
International Workshop on Cybercrime,S. Rajaratnam School of International
Studies (RSIS), Singapore
July 2015
World Society of Victimology Travel & Accommodation Grant
15th World Society of Victimology Symposium, Perth, Australia.
October 2013
Miguel Hernández
University Travel & Accommodation Grant
International Seminar on Cybercrime, Elche, Spain.
June 2013
Korean Institute of Criminology Travel & Accommodation Grant
World Crime Forum-1st Asian Regional Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
June 2012
Stockholm Criminology Symposium Travel & Accommodation Grant
Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden.
May 2012
World Society of Victimology Travel & Accommodation Grant
14th World Society of Victimology Symposium, The Hague, The Netherlands.
December 2011
United Nations Travel & Accommodation Grant
International Conference on Cyber Crime, Courmeyeur, Mont blanc, Italy.
May 2010
Amabhubesi Conferencing Travel & Accommodation Grant
Africa’s 3rd Annual GIS Summit 2010, Johannesburg, South Africa.
December 2009
United Nations Travel & Accommodation Grant
International Conference on Protecting Children from Sexual Offenders in the
Information Technology Era, Courmeyeur, Mont blanc, Italy
November - December 2007
United Nations Travel & Accommodation Grant
Ist meeting of the Experts on Identity related crime, Courmeyeur, Mont blanc,
November, 2007
The Society for Policing Cyber space (Vancouver, Canada) Travel &
Accommodation Grant
The 7th Annual Policing Cyberspace International Summit 2007, Bangkok,
February, 2007.
SSHRC Canada Travel & Accommodation Grant
Ist collaborators meet of the International Project on Cyber Bullying, McGill
University, Montreal, Canada
December, 2002.
US Department of Justice Travel & Accommodation Grant
6th International Crime Mapping Conference, Colorado, Denver.
December, 2001.
US Department of Justice Travel & Accommodation Grant
5th International Crime Mapping Conference, Texas, Dallas.

Research on Cyber victimization and Identity related Cyber
Crimes with Prof. David S. Wall, Durham University, UK.
Collaborator/Co-author of research papers with Prof. Eric Lambert
of Wayne State University, USA
Research on Cyber Bullying with Dr. Shaheen Shariff McGill
University, Canada.

David S. Wall (UK)

Eric Lambert (USA)

Michael Pittaro (USA)

Natti Ronel (Israel)
Mally Sechory (Israel)
Stanley Yeldell (USA)
Ph.D Supervision
(Completed/Awarded - Manonamaniam Sundaranar University)
1. Dr. R.
Anilkumar - Title: Victimology of Terrorism: An Analysis of Compensation to the
Victims of Mumbai Bombblasts in the Post Babri Masjid Demolition Period (Full time- BPR&D
Fellow). PhD Award Date: 3rd June 2013
2. Dr. R. Sivakumar - Title:
Computer Mediated Interpersonal Crimes: A Study of Cyber Bullying
among College Students in Cosmopolitan Cities (Full time- BPR&D Fellow). PhD Award
Date: 19th March 2014
3. Dr. G. Shunmugasundaram
- Title - Cost of Crime: A Study of Measuring Crime victimization in Tamil Nadu. (BPR&D
Project Fellow).
PhD Award Date: 27th January 2017.
4. Dr. Amit Gopal
Thakre - Title - Impact of Community Policing on Crime Prevention: An
Evaluation Model. (UGC-Junior Research Fellow). PhD Award Date: 17th July 2017.
5. Dr E. Enanalap Periyar- Title: Victim - Offender Relationship: An Analysis of revenge
murders in Tirunelveli District. (Full time- ICSSR Fellow). PhD Award Date:
7th November 2018.
6. Dr. Neethu Susan
Cherian - Title - Interpersonal Cyber Crimes: A Victimological Study among Youth
in Metropolitan Cities. (Manonmaniam Sundaranar University) February 2021.
Phil Supervision
Story of the MPhil Program is published in the British Society of Criminology
Blog @
Focus of Current
Cyber Criminology and
Cyber Victimology
Theory and Model
Qualitative Studies
and Mixed Method Research
Political Victimology
Workplace Violence
Mapping Crime and GIS
Attitude Studies
Communal Violence and Terrorism