Number 6 among 639 Law and Legal Studies Scholars in India. This ranking is
done by The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index).
The AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index),
unlike other systems that provide evaluations of journals and universities, is
a ranking and analysis system based on the scientific performance and the
added value of the scientific productivity of individual scientists.
Awarded the Best Paper Award with Anjali Mehta at the
International Conference held at Sardar Vallabhbhai
National Institute of Technology, Surat on 19th-20th
December 2019.
Invited Expert by
the United Nations Office of Counter - Terrorism, for the Closed Experts Group
Meeting (EGM) on “Cooperation between Civil Society Organizations and
International Authorities for Victims of Terrorism in Asia-Pacific” held at
Singapore City, Singapore during 18-20, June 2019.
Invited Expert
the UNITED NATIONS Office of Counter - Terrorism, for the Closed Experts Group
Meeting (EGM) on “Rights of Victims of Terrorism in
Asia-Pacific” held at Seoul, South Korea during 27-29, March 2019
Invited Expert by
the UNITED NATIONS Office of Counter - Terrorism, for the Closed Experts Group
Meeting (EGM) on “Assistance and Support for Victims of Terrorism in
Asia-Pacific” held at Bangkok, Thailand during 26-28, February 2019 (Key
TEDx Speaker: Invited by
TEDxNITTrichy, an independently organized TED event and delivered a TEDx talk on my Space
Transition Theory of Cyber Crimes on 11th August 2018.
Expert Speaker by the Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS),
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological
University (NTU), Singapore for a
Cybercrime Workshop held during 13 to
14 November 2017.
Expert Delegate
of the High level Delegation of the Raksha Shakti University for forging
international collaborations with Southampton Solent University, University of
Southampton, University of Portsmouth, and University College, London, UK
during 4-10 September 2017.
External Expert (Referee) of the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research (NWO).
Peer Reviewer by the National Research Foundation, South Africa.
Speaker, 18th World Congress of Criminology (International Society of
Criminology), 15-19, December, 2016, at O.P. Jindal Global University,
organized by the Jindal Institute of Behavioral Sciences, O.P. Jindal Global
University, NCR Delhi, India.
This is the honour given to someone of high standing in the academic community
within the broad field of Criminology and he/she will be playing an important
part in enhancing the visibility of the BSC in international circles.
Recipient of the
ISC - Prof. S.S. Srivastava Award for Excellence in Teaching and Research in
Criminology Received the Award at the 38th ISC Conference
organized by the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam
Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, India held during 15-16, October, 2015.
In the photo: Dr. Justice P. Jyothimani, Member, National Green Tribunal
presents the award to Dr. K. Jaishankar
Paper selected in a competition; out of 206 submitted papers only 24 was
selected for presentation. “Role of Social Media in the Awareness
Creation by NGOs' Working on the Prevention of Online Victimization” (with
Debarati Halder) in the The International Conference on Social Media for Good
(organized by Kimse Yok Mu (KYM) an international non-governmental
organization), 14-16 May 2015 at Istanbul, Turkey.
Distinguished Guest Lecturer at Elsevier Distinguished Guest Lecture Series,
during 27th to 29th January 2015 at Amity University, Noida, Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University, New Delhi and Indraprastha Institute of Information
Technology, New Delhi on the Topic: “Protection of Youth from Internet
Speaker at the
International Cyber Security Summit, December 1-2, 2014, at Doha,
Qatar, organized by Tangent Link, UK and supported by Ministry of Defence &
Ministry of ICT, Qatar (Invited Speaker).
Member of the Program Advisory Committee of the Third (22nd and
23rd November 2012), Fourth (28th and 29th November 2013), Fifth
(27th and 28th November 2014), Sixth (November 26 and 27th, 2015)
and Seventh (24th and 25th November 2016) Annual Conferences of the
Victimology Society of Serbia held at Belgrade, Serbia.
Member of the International Cybercrime Research Centre,
Simon Frazer University, Vancouver, Canada (2013-2018).
Member of Syndicate (Board of Management) of Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University for a period of 3 years.
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Center for the Research and
Development of Positive Criminology, Department of Criminology, Bar Illan
University, Israel.
Member of the Membership and Advancement Committee, World Society of
Victimology (WSV), Germany.
Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship – 2009-10, tenable at University of
Leeds, UK.
Honorary Lecturer in the Online Training Program of the Virtual Forum
against Cybercrime established by the Korean Institute of Criminology and the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna, Austria.
Invited Keynote
Speaker and Chair of a Workshop “Victimology in the Academy”, at the 14th
World Society of Victimology Symposium held during 20 – 24, May 2012, at The
Hague, The Netherlands.
Speaker at the International Conference on “Cybercrime: Global Phenomenon
and its Challenges”, organized by the International Scientific and
Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC), in cooperation with United Nations office
on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) & Korean Institute of Criminology (KIC) during
December 2 – 4, 2011 at Courmeyeur, Mont Blanc, Italy.
Speaker at the International Conference on “Protecting Children from
Sexual Offenders in the Information Technology Era” organized by the
International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United
Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC), in
cooperation with United Nations office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) during
December 11- 13, 2009 at Courmeyeur, Mont Blanc, Italy.
Appointed as Member of UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) core group of
experts on Identity-related crime (2007-2008) and participated in the
deliberations of the group in the first meeting held at Courmeyeur, Mont Blanc Italy during 29-30 November 2007.
Speaker at the International Conference on “The Evolving Challenge of
Identity-Related Crime: Addressing Fraud and the Criminal Misuse and
Falsification of Identity”, organized by the International Scientific and
Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice Programme (ISPAC), in cooperation with United Nations office
on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) during November 30 – December 2, 2007 at
Courmeyeur, Mont Blanc, Italy.
Co-winner of
International Opportunities Fund competition of SSHRC, Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2005-06 of a research grant worth
$CAD143,471 with the applicant Dr. Shaheen Shariff, McGill University. (Ranked 4th out of 114 applicants,
only 7 grants were awarded and only 2 projects got 2 year funding).
Contribution to Criminal Justice Education Plaque, Lehigh Valley College,
Pennsylvania, USA, February 2007.
Secured 2nd Rank in
the GIS evaluation of Training and Experience Examination and placed in the
eligible list (Now expired), Police Services, conducted by the Civil Service
Board of City of New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America.